Reading List

self help book list

Here is a list of the most impactful self-help books that have actually helped me, clients and the people I love, in no particular order.

The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins- Drawing from the science of habits, and a host of other sources and stories, while supporting a tonne of work and research done by motivational gurus and experts, Mel Robbins has written a really practical book on controlling your mind, making decisions, getting shit done and living your best life.  And I am telling absurd as it may sound if you are skeptical or aren’t in my business of optimal performance coaching...her suggestions and main tool (5,4,3,2,1) WORK!  

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson- A practical, no bullshit book on the key to living a good life. In short, the book isn’t advising you to be indifferent (which Mark suggests, and I agree, indifferent people are “lame and scared”).  Rather, stop giving a fuck about everything and everyone, and start giving fucks about the things and people that truly matter in life.  I think readers will walk away from this book feeling inspired, lighter, and clearer about the people and things that matter, and a desire to live their most authentic lives.

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday- When I am impacted by a book in a profound way, I read it at least 3 times before suggesting it to friends and clients.  In the case of this book by Ryan Holiday, I have read it...honestly...15 times.  It is that good.  If I were to sum it up in one sentence I would say: Learn how to turn all your obstacles and adversity into opportunities and advantages.  And...toughen up.

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer-  I think I have read this book 10 times.  If that little voice in your head is on a never ending loop of harmful, useless, painful and fucking annoying thoughts about...anything (break-ups, being cheated on, bills, kids, your back stabbing friend, shithead boss etc,.) literally anything, and you want it to finally shut its big mouth...this book will help you make sense of why you do this, and more importantly, how the hell to stop it. For those of you allergic to “woo woo”...there is woo woo in here...but stick with it as I guarantee it will help you. 

Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop- Adding to the list of trendy book titles with the word F*ck in them, is this one.  That said, it is a powerful book full of useful and relevant tools to help you get yourself out of your own way and crush life. 

How to Fix a Broken Heart by Guy Winch- I find there are a lot of books on how to mend a broken heart, or useless and redundant advice that friends or colleagues throw at you when you do experience a romantic loss.  Further, there is irritation and lack of compassion for how impactful a broken heart can be to a person and their ability to function “normally” after going through a romantic loss.  I coach many clients on repairing their smashed hearts following a break-up and how to move on and triumph after the break-up, and generally suggest reading Guy Winch’s material as part of their healing strategy. If your heart is or has recently been broken, I invite you to read his book, How to Fix a Broken Heart. I think it will help you a lot.  

Relationship Self- Help Books

Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller- This is one of my favourite relationship self-help books.  Some time back a psychologist friend suggested I read it in order to understand who I am, and why I behave the way I do in a relationship.  It blew my mind. Not only did it clarify why I did the crazy shit I did in past relationships, but it also clarified why my partners did what they did, and who I am best suited to be with based on my “attachment style”.  If you want a guide to help you understand why you and your partner behave the way you do, or determine the best type of mate for you while navigating the murky waters of a relationship, more intelligently, then read this asap.