The Fearless Leader

Could You Be Doing More?


FIVELION could potentially be your most powerful and effective business partner and ally. 

More than over priced consulting

FIVELION business coaching isn’t therapy, nor is it a high-priced consulting “solution” recycling redundant strategies to solve myriad challenges within your business, leadership style, start-up or high performance career. 


What is FIVELION Business Coaching?

The short answer: Clarity, Decision, Alignment, Execution, and Evaluation. 

FIVELION deploys fresh, challenging and effective modalities to crush your toughest business or career challenges while helping you reach your goals.  By combining extensive business experience, coaching and consulting, we examine the relevant areas of your business, carefully listen, interpret, diagnose, help you build a plan and get clear on the focused action steps needed to bring massive change to your business or career.  We will stand with you while we push and hold you accountable to these action steps and goals.

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High performance

Businesses and People

Get Help with these obstacles


Create real, measurable and effective strategies and plans for business and professonal success.

Clarify, create and execute the purpose, vision, mission, and goals of the business or your personal high performance plan.

Build your personal plan for health that will support and sustain your demanding profession for the long term.

Create space for reflection and deep thinking in order to bring out powerful clarity, strategy and spark the creativity needed for effective leadership, professional success or to stay at the top of your game.

Take an honest and brutal look at your entire company or your job approach to accurately determine where the deficiencies are harming or helping your business or career.

Attack your personal or business problem with a unique and fresh approach.

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Let's Talk Sales

FIVELION has intimate experience and knowledge in your arena.  Period.

Build powerful and results driven sales strategy and plans at the executive, management and sales rep level.

Lower your stress and increase focus and calmness.

Eliminate the self-doubt holding back your ability, and power up your belief in yourself.

Power up motivation within your sales department and
within you.

Create and ensure company wide support and structure to handle substantive sales growth.

Improve or enhance relationships between your sales department and other company departments to maximize internal efficiencies and create a stronger client experience.

Crush sales slumps, as an executive, manager and sales rep.

Drive sales activity, fill your pipeline, and close more business.

Bring out the best and most effective leader and sales professional within you.

Develop new markets, and create fresh sales approaches and techniques.

Renew your energy and zest for your career.

Discover what is possible.

Eliminate the negative thoughts holding you back from being the best sales professional and executive you can be.

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Entrepreneurs and Start-ups

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FIVELION will help you face any limitation holding you back, and propel your motivation and business again.

Immediately revisit and solidify your business vision and purpose.

Navigate a crisis or major set-back, and all the stress, frustration, anxiety and depression that may come.

Destroy and effectively manage fear, self-doubt, and all the mental and motivational hurdles you are going through.

Build strong plans to acquire and retain clients to pump up revenues.

Develop effective partner communication and dispute resolution.

Learn to give up control, recognize when you need help, and deploy experts.

Learn and apply impactful tools to gain perspective in order to handle current and future challenges, decisions and direction.

Build or enhance your entire business plan and objectives for immediate results.

Build strategic and tactical plans.

Create a plan to find sources of funding.

Generate renewed energy and focus for your vision and business.

Time manage and prioritize all legs of your business and life effectively.

Goal set, and move each task within that goal forward, like a champ.

Create realistic and specific budgets and finance plans for all business cycles.

Become a top leader, while pushing yourself and your team out of their comfort zones to experience meaningful breakthroughs.

Learn to celebrate when a “win” is achieved, in order to keep motivated and energized.

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Career Domination

Let's talk

FIVELION will help you with the myriad stresses and opportunities confronting or available to you.

Build a career improvement plan.

Develop and execute strategies to move up the ladder.

Learn how to manage, handle and achieve peace with a stressful boss.

Find purpose and vision within your job and work.

Discover if this is the right job or career, and if it aligns with your values and vision.

Learn to build stronger relationships with your boss and peers.

Build confidence and assertiveness to handle the demands and myriad personalities you work with.

Build a plan to transition from your current job, to the one you are most desiring.

Build a professional growth plan.

Remove career and success roadblocks.

Learn to manage and enhance business relationships.

Deal with work stress and stressors.

Identify and achieve work life balance.

Renew your energy and focus for work.

Refine your Interviewing skills.

Career, personality and strengths assessment and exploration.

Develop and enhance your personal marketing and brand.

Evaluating prospective employers.

Strategy and tactics for effective salary negotiation.

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The Fearless Leader Program

Created By Neil Sharma

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