The Five Pillars of Nourishment are the guiding principles that FIVELION has designed exclusively for its business and life clients. It is these core principles that provide the structure, direction and inertia for massive life and business core transformation.
These Five Pillars of Nourishment are the powerful and essential interconnected parts that make up the entire foundation of your life. If looked after with diligence and care, they will fill you with purpose, passion, vitality and love: your purpose, your mind, your relationships, your
money and means, and your body. FIVELION will help you find the right balance and investment needed within each one to find, ignite and sustain your long-term happiness.

Your Purpose
Connecting to and living your life with a clear direction and sense of purpose is a major means to happiness. Many of us do not give this pillar enough attention, or we arrive at it late in life, or sadly for many, never at all. Some experts now call this your “why”. “Why”, “purpose”, “spirituality”, call it what you want. The fact is this pillar sets the tone for your life. It's what gets you out of bed every morning, ready to crush the day.
Your Relationships
We crave human connection. Connection with an intimate partner or connection with a “tribe” has been a fundamental human need that goes back to our cavemen and cavewomen days. Our survival and happiness depended on connection and the tribe. Research and data now tells us that significant connection and being part of a tribe is just as vital today as it was in primitive times. Without these connections, we become depressed, feel distant and
disconnected spiritually, become sick, and live shorter lives.

Your Money and Means
This pillar is vital for the health of all your Pillars of Nourishment. This is where you really focus on how you are going to support a life of true fulfillment and happiness. FIVELION will work hand in hand with you to create a powerful and realistic plan for your money and the means by which you will live your life of freedom and your true purpose.
Ready to talk about you and money?
Your Body
An unhealthy body equals an unhealthy mind and life. It is that simple. The mind and body are inseparable. Irrespective of the overwhelming amount of medical and scientific data supporting the tremendous physiological and mental benefits flowing out of both exercise and proper nutrition, the reality is that without a healthy body you will not be able to sustain a successful and fulfilled life, for the long term, if you don’t make health a priority now.
Ready to be challenged?

Your Mind
Your mind can be a prison, or, an oasis you live in. You will need to choose, as it is a decision between a life of misery or joy. Either you are a slave to your minds limiting beliefs, impulses and emotions, or you are the ruler of your mind and your decisions. Your move.
We are here to help, let's talk