What is Life Coaching?
Universally, at some point and to varying degrees we will all need help with some, if not all the major pillars of our life. For some, it may be overcoming fear, anxiety, depression, career stagnation or unemployment, limiting beliefs or relationship and weight loss issues. For others it may be enhancing their already successful career, business or leadership role.
Woman, man, millennial, LGBTQ, mother, father, executive, high performer, athlete, orphan, cop and immigrant. Whatever unique title you identify with, you are not immune to the difficulties, judgements, challenges, joys and successes life presents you.
Whatever you need, you are here now because you’re strong and courageous enough to admit you could benefit from an expert hand who will challenge, push, hold you accountable and drive life changing results out of you.
If you are brave enough, and ready to forget the excuses, embrace fear and the unknown then let’s get moving together.
“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honour your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.”
―Oprah Winfrey

Your Purpose
Start taking immediate action to live the life you were meant to live.
Find out what motivates you at your deepest level, and create a plan of action to bring it to life.
Identify, execute and be relentless with your purpose, goals and objectives that will massively impact your life within a year and for the long-term.
Build a concrete strategy to achieve and live your purpose.
Examine the profound impact and benefits your purpose will have on those who matter to you in your life.
Reduce the suffering in your life.
Identify and design activities that support you on this vital journey.
Get clear and understand who you are and what your role is in this powerful vision.
Explore the automatic reactions and reasons that seem to pull you away from your dreams and goals.
Consider how are you giving and serving others.
“Would you have a great empire? Rule over yourself.”
- Publius Syrus

Your Mind
Increase your self-esteem, confidence, personal power and get out of a depressed and negative mindset and cycle.
Handle life change, uncertainty and the unknown and use it as fuel for success.
Reduce the life stressors and emotions that trigger physical symptoms and disease.
Create a gritty, winning mindset and set of behaviors.
Learn to think more and become comfortable “alone” with your mind and thoughts.
Overcome shyness and apprehension that is now limiting your life and potential.
Learn to embrace and use “dissatisfaction” as a catalyst for real growth.
Destroy useless rumination, and live in the power and joy of now.
Eliminate attraction to the negative and bring out the possible and positive.
Build radical accountability and change your reality.
Become authentic and merge your “social media identity” with your “real” identity.
Thinking is hard. Learn how to think deeply for massive results.
Stop being crippled by fear, and learn to embrace and use it to your advantage.
Increase focus and energy, and learn to channel calmness.
Become more present minded in any situation of your life.
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
- Brené Brown
Your Relationships
Fuel the excitement and passion in your relationships by removing beliefs that are destroying meaningful and deep connections.
Uncover how to and delve into the limiting beliefs you hold about yourself and your partner.
Build an effective plan for successful dating and finding your partner.
Overcome dating and approach shyness.

Create a strong plan for effective communication and giving with your partner, spouse or friend.
Heal and save your relationship with your partner while becoming a better, happier, and fun partner, husband, or wife.
Find your true tribe. A tribe that celebrates you, your value and uniqueness, and that allows you to express the same, freely.
Build long lasting, healthy and meaningful friendships, or enhance existing friendships.
Develop strategies and tools needed to pick up the pieces and move confidently forward after a painful divorce, separation or break-up.
Increase intimacy, safety, stability and be loved by someone.
Create stronger relationship boundaries, or learn to become less rigid in your relationship.
Build a loving, confident and stronger relationship with YOURSELF.
Build, fix or mend your relationship with your children, into a powerfully loving, fun, and successful connection.
Become a better and more present mother, father, friend and partner.
“Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.”
—P.T. Barnum

Your Money and Means
Create a dependable and long-term system to support and bring to life all your pillars of nourishment.
Examine your career or job, why you are doing it, does it make you happy, and does it align with your values. If not, create and execute a plan for massive change.
Build your personal growth plan.
Create a vision, then develop and execute a plan for your financial well-being.
Build a plan to really save money.
Identify and make a plan to bring in passive income.
Generate the means to bring fun into your life.
Truly balance your work and life.
Find a job and career that aligns with your values and dreams.
Develop a plan to maintain a successful career while planning and building a family.
Set and achieve personal and professional goals.
Use your degree and skills to overcome unemployment by creating a business or carving out an indispensable role within an organization.
Examine and apply strategies and techniques to negotiate a higher salary.
Learn to manage the stress of college, university or general debt, and build a realistic and powerful plan to overcome this debt.
Create a plan for home ownership and independence.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
Your Body
Learn to clear the fog from your mind so real life priorities become clear.
Improve cognitive performance.
Identify and clarify why physical care and health is important to you.
Create and execute a realistic physical fitness and wellness plan.
Strengthen your determination and dedication to weight loss.
Challenge and push your physical limitations, and embrace the unknown possibilities of a healthier and fitter you.

Improve your mood, sleep, memory, and ability to think while reducing stress and anxiety.
Reduce many diseases and chronic conditions through exercise.
Identify physical and nutritional areas of improvement.